Powershell Script - Finding Group Membership differences b/w two ID's in AD
#Created By - Abhishek Bansal
#Use Case - Useful in finding membership differences b/w two ID's. ( Mirroring Group membership)
#Note - This won't do any modification in Group membership. This only fetches the membership, compares them & give us the output in a CSV file.
#Below is the Script, Copy paste it into Powershell ISE & run it directly.
#Use Case - Useful in finding membership differences b/w two ID's. ( Mirroring Group membership)
#Note - This won't do any modification in Group membership. This only fetches the membership, compares them & give us the output in a CSV file.
#Below is the Script, Copy paste it into Powershell ISE & run it directly.
$sourceid = Read-Host "Enter Source ID from which would be used for mirroring = "
$requestorid = Read-Host "Enter requestor ID whicn needs to be mirrored = "
$Sourceid_Data = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $sourceid | Select SamAccountName,GroupScope,GroupCategory,objectClass
$requestorid_data = Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $requestorid | Select SamAccountName,GroupScope,GroupCategory,objectClass
$counter = 0
$totalcounter = $Sourceid_Data.Count
$percentagecomplete = 0
foreach($Sourceid_entry in $Sourceid_Data)
$percentagecomplete = ($counter/$totalcounter)*100
Write-Progress -Activity "Comparing values" -Status "$counter checking" -PercentComplete $percentagecomplete
foreach($Sourceid_entry1 in $requestorid_data)
if(($Sourceid_entry.SamAccountName -eq $Sourceid_entry1.SamAccountName))
$flag = 1
$flag = 0
if($flag -eq 0)
$Sourceid_entry | Select @{n="SamAccountName";e={$Sourceid_entry.SamAccountName}},@{n="GroupScope";e={$Sourceid_entry.GroupScope}},@{n="GroupCategory";e={$Sourceid_entry.GroupCategory}},@{n="objectClass";e={$Sourceid_entry.objectClass}},@{n="distinguishedName";e={$Sourceid_entry.distinguishedName}} | Export-Csv .\Differences_$sourceid.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append
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