I mistakenly added a Group named "Infra VMware Team" in Permissions tab on an Esxi directly.
When trying to remove it, getting below error -
Fix -
This is due to a bug which prevents removing explicit Users or Groups added to Esx Permissions. We can make use of PowerCLi to fix this.
1. We will connect to our Vcenter using PowerCLi, provide correct User ID & Password.
2. Once connected, we can view all the Esx in the Vcenter by typing "Get-VMHost" cmdlet.
3. Viewing all the permission on esx-02a.corp.local by typing below command -
Get-VIPermission -Entity Esxhostname | Format-Table - Autosize
4. We can also use Principal switch as show below to check permission of a specific user or a group.
5. To remove permission, type below command -
Get-VIPermission -Entity Esxhost -Principal 'domain\userorgroup' | Remove-VIPermission -confirm:$false
& we are done. We can cross check it through GUI or through CLI as well. (Repeat command mentioned in step 3)
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