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AD Script - Fetching User details from their Email ID's as Input

<#Created By Abhishek Bansal

Read Note 

Script Usage :: Fetching user details such as Name,Samaccountname,Accountstatus from Input file containing User Email address.

Pre requisites :: Copy all the code into a text file, save it with an extension ".PS1". On same location create a text file named "Input.txt" which will be containing user's email address. Once saved, run script as Administrator.

Execution & Outputs :: Once executed Output will be saved in a file named "Userdetailsfromemail.csv" and any Errors into "Errorslogs.csv" onto same location.#>

$emaildata = Get-Content ./Input.txt

$line = 0

$linecount = $emaildata.Count


foreach($emailid in $emaildata)




    $pct = $line/$linecount * 100

    $emailid = $emailid.trim()  

    Write-Progress -Activity "Fetching User account information.." -PercentComplete $pct -Status "$line of $linecount"

    if($(Get-ADUser -Filter{EmailAddress -eq $emailid}))


    Get-ADUser -Properties * -Filter{EmailAddress -eq $emailid} | Select Name,Samaccountname,EmailAddress,@{n="AccountStatus";e={$_.Enabled}} | Export-Csv ./Userdetailsfromemail.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append




    $emailid | Select-Object -Property @{n="EmailID";e={$emailid}},@{n="Error";e={"No User exist with this Emailid."}} | Export-Csv ./Errorlogs.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append



Sample Output

AD Script - Fetching User's Group membership from AD

<#Created By Abhishek Bansal

Read Note 

Script Usage :: Fetching Membership of users from Active Directory.

Pre requisites :: Copy all the code into a text file, save it with an extension ".PS1". On same location create a text file named "InputUserid.txt" which contains User's ID. Once saved, run script as Administrator.

Execution & Outputs :: Once executed Output will be saved in separate files named "UserID_Date.csv" and any Errors into "Errorslogs.csv" onto same location.#>

$inputusers = Get-Content .\InputUserid.txt

$date = $(Get-Date -Format "dd_MM_yyyy")

foreach($user in $inputusers)


    $user = $user.trim()




    $file = "$user"+"_$date"

   Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -Identity $user | Select-Object -Property Name,GroupScope,GroupCategory,DistinguishedName | Export-Csv ./$file.csv -NoTypeInformation




    $user | Select-Object -Property @{n="User ID";e={$user}},@{n="Error Message";e={$Error.exception.Message}} | Export-Csv ./Errorlogs.csv -Append



AD Script - Fetching Computer details mentioned in input file from AD

<#Created By Abhishek Bansal

Read Note 

Script Usage :: Fetching Computer details from Active Directory.

Pre requisites :: Copy all the code into a text file, save it with an extension ".PS1". On same location create a text file named "InputServers.txt" cointaning Computer name. Once saved, run script as Administrator.

Execution & Outputs :: Once executed Output will be saved in "ADCompdetails.csv" and any Errors into "Errorslogs.csv" onto same location.#>

$inputsrv = Get-Content .\InputServers.txt

foreach($server in $inputsrv)




Get-ADComputer -Identity $server -Properties * | Select Name,OperatingSystem,DistinguishedName,Enabled,Created,@{n="Lastlogon";e={[datetime]::FromFileTime($_."Lastlogon")}} | Export-Csv ./ADCompdetails.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append




    $server | Select-Object -Property @{n="Hostname";e={$server}},@{n="ErrorMessage";e={$error.exception.Message}} | Export-Csv ./Errorlogs.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append



Sample Output

