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AD Script - Fetch membership of multiple AD Groups

<#Created By Abhishek Bansal

Read Note 

Script Usage :: Fetching Membership of Multiple AD Group at once.

Pre requisites :: Copy all the code into a text file, save it with an extension ".PS1". On same location create a text file named "Input.txt" which contains AD Group names. Once saved, run script as Administrator.

Execution & Outputs :: Output will be saved into separate files named "Groupname.csv" and any error logs into Errorlogs.csv #>

$grp = Get-Content .\Input.txt

    foreach($groupname in $grp)


    $groupname = $groupname.Trim()



    $membership = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $groupname | Select Name,Samaccountname,DistinguishedName,@{n="ObjectType";e={$_.objectClass}}

    $membership | Export-Csv ./$groupname.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append 




   $groupname | Select-Object -Property @{n="Groupname";e={$groupname}},@{n="Error Message";e={$error.exception.Message}} | Export-Csv ./Errorlogs.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation



Windows Server Video Links

Patch Installation via Command line in Windows Servers - YouTube

Tutorial4 Converting Windows Server Evaluation to Full Version (

Resetting Local Admin Password on Windows Servers (

Active Directory Video Links

Move FSMO Roles via Command Line - YouTube

Active Directory - Lost and Found Conflict - YouTube

Active Directory - Fine Grain Password Policy - YouTube

Restricting Domain Users from Joining Workstations to the Domain (

LAPS Implementation (

Forcefully Demotion of a Domain Controller (

Setting up Practical LABS Video Links

Tutorial 1 Getting Started with LAB Design || Downloading Setups || Vmware Workstation Installation (

Tutorial2 - VM Creation || Windows Server Installation || Sysprep (

Tutorial 3 - Setting up first Windows Server using Generalized template - YouTube

Tutorial 4 Converting Windows Server Evaluation to Full Version (

Tutorial5 Setting up Windows Servers with Basic Postconfiguration (

Tutorial6 Promoting First Domain Controller (

Tutorial7 Using Windows Server as a Router (

Tutorial8 Promoting DC with Higher OS / Upgrading DC to a Higher OS (

AD Script - Fetch User Account Password related details

 <#Created By - Abhishek Bansal

Read Note 

Script Usage - Finding UserID password related details such as -

1. Password Expired or not ?

2. If Expired, then on which day it's going to expired ?

3. How many days left before it expires ?

4. Whether UserId is active or not ?

Pre requisite :: Copy all the code into a text file, save it with an extension ".PS1". On the same location create a file named "Input.txt" containing Samaccountname of all the users against which you are looking to get info.

Execution & Outputs :: Once executed Output will be saved in a file named Userdetails_$date.csv for detailed output.#>

$inputuserids = Get-Content ./Input.txt

$date = $(Get-Date -Format "dd_MM_yyy")+".csv"

foreach($userid in $inputuserids)



Get-ADUser -Identity $userid -Properties Displayname,msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed,PasswordExpired,Enabled,`

Passwordlastset | Select Displayname,Samaccountname,@{n="AccountStatus";e={if($($_.Enabled) -eq $true){"Active"}else{"Disabled"}}},`


@{n="DaysLeft";e={(New-TimeSpan -Start $(Get-Date) -End $([datetime]::FromFileTime($_."msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed"))).Days}}`

| Export-Csv ./Userdetails_$date.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append




$userid | Select-Object -Property @{n="Displayname";e={"NA"}},@{n="Samaccountname";e={$userid}},@{n="AccountStatus";e={"NA"}},@{n="Passwordlastset";e={"NA"}},@{n="PasswordExpired";e={"NA"}},@{n="ExpiryDate";e={"NA"}},@{n="DaysLeft";e={"NA"}}| Export-Csv ./Userdetails_$date.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append



Sample Output