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AD Script - Fetch User Account Password related details

 <#Created By - Abhishek Bansal

Read Note 

Script Usage - Finding UserID password related details such as -

1. Password Expired or not ?

2. If Expired, then on which day it's going to expired ?

3. How many days left before it expires ?

4. Whether UserId is active or not ?

Pre requisite :: Copy all the code into a text file, save it with an extension ".PS1". On the same location create a file named "Input.txt" containing Samaccountname of all the users against which you are looking to get info.

Execution & Outputs :: Once executed Output will be saved in a file named Userdetails_$date.csv for detailed output.#>

$inputuserids = Get-Content ./Input.txt

$date = $(Get-Date -Format "dd_MM_yyy")+".csv"

foreach($userid in $inputuserids)



Get-ADUser -Identity $userid -Properties Displayname,msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed,PasswordExpired,Enabled,`

Passwordlastset | Select Displayname,Samaccountname,@{n="AccountStatus";e={if($($_.Enabled) -eq $true){"Active"}else{"Disabled"}}},`


@{n="DaysLeft";e={(New-TimeSpan -Start $(Get-Date) -End $([datetime]::FromFileTime($_."msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed"))).Days}}`

| Export-Csv ./Userdetails_$date.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append




$userid | Select-Object -Property @{n="Displayname";e={"NA"}},@{n="Samaccountname";e={$userid}},@{n="AccountStatus";e={"NA"}},@{n="Passwordlastset";e={"NA"}},@{n="PasswordExpired";e={"NA"}},@{n="ExpiryDate";e={"NA"}},@{n="DaysLeft";e={"NA"}}| Export-Csv ./Userdetails_$date.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append



Sample Output

AD Script - Creating new AD Groups

<#Created By - Abhishek Bansal

Script Usage - Creating new AD Groups.

Pre requisites :: Setup a Input.csv file containing details such as Group name, Category, Description, Group type and Path. Once done, Copy all the code into a text file, save it with an extension ".PS1". Once saved, run this script as Administrator.

Execution & Outputs :: Once executed, AD Groups will be created along with an output file named "Logs_date" containing all the results.#>

#Below is the snip of CSV file, (don't change the headers of each columns).

$groupdetails = Import-Csv .\Input.csv

$date = $(Get-Date -Format "dd_MM_yy")+".csv"

foreach($group in $groupdetails)




    New-ADGroup -Name $group.Name -GroupScope $group.Scope -GroupCategory $group.Category -Path $group.Path -Description $group.Description -PassThru  | Select Name,@{n=("Status");e={("Created under")}},DistinguishedName | Export-Csv ./Logs_$date -Append -NoTypeInformation




       $group | Select-Object -Property @{n=("Name");e={($group.Name)}},@{n=("Status");e={("already exist under ")}},@{n="DistinguishedName";e={((Get-ADGroup -Identity $group.Name).DistinguishedName)}} | Export-Csv ./Logs_$date -Append -NoTypeInformation



Sample Output after Groups creation

Powershell Script - Checking SMB1 Feature Status on Windows Servers

$servers = @("DDC01","DMMS01","DMMS02","DDC02","FakeServer","Tempvm4") #Listing all servers in " " quotes. Take input from a file if server count is large.

$date = (Get-Date -Format "dd_MM_yyyy")+".html"

$outputHTML = "<HTML>

<Body><Table border='2'>

<h2> SMB1 Status Report Started at $(Get-Date)</h2>

<TR><Td>Name</Td><Td>Operating System</Td><Td>DistinguishedName</Td>s


foreach($server in $servers)


$server = $server.trim()



$command1 = Get-ADComputer -Identity $server -Properties OperatingSystem,DistinguishedName | Select-Object -Property Name,OperatingSystem,DistinguishedName -ErrorAction Stop 



$command1 = "Error"



$command2 = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock{(Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName SMB1Protocol).State} -ErrorAction Stop



$command2 = "Error"


if(($command1 -eq "Error")) 


    $outputHTML += "<TR style='background-color:orange'>"

     $outputHTML += "




    <TD>$("Unable to fetch, please check manually")</TD>



    elseif(($command2 -eq "Error"))


    $outputHTML += "<TR style='background-color:orange'>"

     $outputHTML += "




    <TD>$("Unable to fetch, please check manually")</TD>





    $command3 = $command1 | Select-Object -Property Name,OperatingSystem,DistinguishedName,@{n="SMB1Status";e={$command2}}

        if(($($command3.SMB1Status.Value) -eq "Disabled"))


        $outputHTML += "<TR style='background-color:red'>"




        $outputHTML += "<TR>"


   $outputHTML += "








$outputHTML += "</Table></Body></Html>"

$outputHTML += "<h2> SMB1 Status Report Ended at $(Get-Date) </h2>"

$outputHTML | Out-File ./SMB1Status_$date

Sample Output