<#Created By Abhishek Bansal
Read Note
Script Usage :: Checks all the profile folders created under C:\Users for their current status in AD, ie whether they are active or not. Useful in finding out unnecessary profile folder.
Pre requisites :: Copy all the code into a text file, save it with an extension ".PS1". Once saved, run it as Administrator.
Execution & Outputs :: Output will be displayed in ProfileID_Status.csv #>
$srv = Read-Host "Enter Name or IP address of the Server = "
$Profile = Get-ChildItem "\\$srv\c$\Users" -Exclude "Public","Administrator*",".Net*","MSSQL*","Temp*" #Mention any other local profile that you want to exclude.
foreach($row in $Profile.Name){
$row = $row.Trim()
Get-ADUser -Properties * $row | Select-Object -Property Displayname,Samaccountname,@{n="Status";e={$_.Enabled}},whenChanged,PasswordExpired,LastLogonDate | Export-Csv ./ProfileID_Status.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation
$row | Select-Object -Property @{n="Displayname";e={"NA"}}, @{n="Samaccountname";e={$row}},@{n="Status";e={"ID is either local/disabled or doesn't exist in AD"}}, @{n="whenChanged";e={"NA"}}, @{n="PasswordExpired";e={"NA"}}, @{n="LastLogonDate";e={"NA"}} | Export-Csv ./ProfileID_Status.csv -Append -NoTypeInformation
Sample Output