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Powershell Script - Exporting GPO Settings in HTML

<#Read Me

Script Usage - Backing/Exporting GPO settings into HTML format.

Script Workflow

1. We can either use a ".txt" file as an Input file containing GPO's which we want to export.

2. Incase, we want to export all the GPO's in the domain, then use "Get-GPO" cmdlet with -All switch.

3. Outputs will be created in GPOname.html 


#Script 1 - Exporting all the GPO's in the domain.

$gpo = Get-GPO -All

foreach($item in $gpo)


$gponame = $item.DisplayName

Get-GPOReport -Name $gponame -ReportType HTML | Out-File ./$gponame.html


#Script 2 - Exporting all the GPO's mentioned in 'InputGPOdetails.txt' file.

#Note - Have this file under same folder where Script is kept.

$InputGPOdetails = Get-Content ./InputGPOdetails.txt

foreach($gponame in $InputGPOdetails)


Get-GPOReport -Name $gponame -ReportType HTML | Out-File ./$gponame.html
