#Created By - Abhishek Bansal
<#Read Me !!
1. Script Usage - Finding Empty GPOs in the domain environment.
Script Logic - Logic revolves around GPO Template & GPO Container user & computer version. So if a policy is created but it's not configured with any setting or it's never been edited, then the Sysvol & AD Version for both the container & template are 0.
Below Snap for reference -
2. Refer EmptyGPos.csv for the output & below is the code. #>
import-module grouppolicy
$gpos = Get-GPO -All
foreach ($gpo in $gpos)
if (($gpo.Computer.DSVersion -eq 0 -and $gpo.User.DSVersion -eq 0) -and ($gpo.Computer.SysvolVersion -eq 0 -and $gpo.User.SysvolVersion -eq 0))
$gpo | Select @{n="GPO Name";e={$_.Displayname}},DomainName,Owner,@{n="GUID";e={$_.ID}},GPoStatus,CreationTime,ModificationTime | Export-Csv ./EmptyGPO.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append