<#Read Me !!
1. Script Usage - Fetching AD Group details such as Description, Group Type, Name, Category etc for all the Groups mentioned in Input.txt
2. Refer Groupinfo.csv for the details.
3. Refer Errorlogs.csv for any error logs.
For using it, directly copy the entire code, save it in .ps1 extension and have a Input.txt file on the same location containing AD Group names#>
$group = Get-Content .\Input.txt
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Total count of Groups input = $($group.count)"
$line = 0
$linecount = $group.count
$pct = 0
foreach($groupname in $group)
$pct = $line/$linecount * 100
Write-Progress -Activity "Checking AD Group information.." -PercentComplete $pct -Status "$line of $linecount"
Get-ADGroup -Identity $groupname -Properties * | Select SamAccountName,Description,Info,GroupScope,GroupCategory,CanonicalName | Export-Csv ./Groupinfo.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append
catch [Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADIdentityNotFoundException]
$groupname | Select-Object -Property @{n="Samaccountname";e={$groupname}},@{n="Status";e={$error.exception.Message}} | Export-Csv ./Errorlogs.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append