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Powershell Script - Fetching AD Group Details

 #Created By - Abhishek Bansal
<#Read Me !! 
1. Script Usage - Fetching AD Group details such as Description, Group Type, Name, Category etc for all the Groups mentioned in Input.txt
2. Refer Groupinfo.csv for the details.
3. Refer Errorlogs.csv for any error logs.

For using it, directly copy the entire code, save it in .ps1 extension and have a Input.txt file on the same location containing AD Group names#>

$group = Get-Content .\Input.txt
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Total count of Groups input = $($group.count)"
$line = 0
$linecount = $group.count
$pct = 0
foreach($groupname in $group)
    $pct = $line/$linecount * 100
     Write-Progress -Activity "Checking AD Group information.." -PercentComplete $pct -Status "$line of $linecount"
    Get-ADGroup -Identity $groupname -Properties * | Select SamAccountName,Description,Info,GroupScope,GroupCategory,CanonicalName | Export-Csv ./Groupinfo.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append
    catch [Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADIdentityNotFoundException]
    $groupname | Select-Object -Property @{n="Samaccountname";e={$groupname}},@{n="Status";e={$error.exception.Message}} | Export-Csv ./Errorlogs.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append

Powershell Script - Fetching User details along with their Manager details from AD.

 #Created By - Abhishek Bansal

<#Read Me !! 

1. Script Usage - Fetching User details along with User Manager name & email ID from AD.

2. User Sammacount name needs to be provided in Input.txt

3. Try Catch block is used to filter out Users not found in AD. Use Name columns to filter the output.

4. Refer Output.csv for final results.

For using it, directly copy the entire code, save it in .ps1 extension and have a Input.txt file on the same location.


function getdetails($mgrdn)


$mgrdata = Get-ADUser -Properties * -Filter{DistinguishedName -like $mgrdn} | Select Samaccountname,Name,EmailAddress

return $mgrdata


$inputuser = Get-Content ./Input.txt

$line = 0 

$linecount = $inputuser.count

$percentagecomplete= 0

foreach($userid in $inputuser)



$percentagecomplete = ($line / $linecount) * 100

$userid = $userid.trim()

Write-Progress -Activity "Checking Status.." -PercentComplete $percentagecomplete -Status "$line out of $linecount"

[String]$dn = (Get-ADUser -Properties * -Identity $userid).Manager

$managerdetails = getdetails -mgrdn "$dn"




    Get-ADUser -Properties * -Identity $userid | Select Samaccountname,Name,EmailAddress,co,@{n="Manager_Samaccountname";e={$managerdetails.Samaccountname}},@{n="Manger Name";e={$managerdetails.Name}},@{n="Manager Mail";e={$managerdetails.EmailAddress}}  | Export-Csv ./Output.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append


    catch [Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADIdentityNotFoundException]


    $userid | Select @{n="Samaccountname";e={$userid}},@{n="Name";e={$Error.Exception.Message}},EmailAddress,co,@{n="Manager_Samaccountname";e={}},@{n="Manger Name";e={}},@{n="Manager Mail";e={}} | Export-Csv ./Output.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append



Powershell Script - Export AD Group Membership containing large members

#Created By - Abhishek Bansal

<#Read Me !! 
1. Script Usage - Useful if members of AD Group are large in number. There are cases where Get-ADGroupMember fails when we have lots of members. ( More then 5K /6K )
2. Script is capable of exporting not only users objects but others too. ( Ex Groups ).
3. User need to input AD Group name when prompt & results can be checked in Groupname_Membership.csv file.

For using it, just copy the below code, run it

$group = Read-Host "Enter AD Group Name"
$dn = Get-ADGroup -Identity $group -Properties * | Select objectClass -ExpandProperty Member

$line = 0 
$linecount = $dn.Count
$percentagecomplete= 0

foreach($row in $dn)
$percentagecomplete = ($line/$linecount)*100
$row = $row.trim()

Write-Progress -Activity "Checking Status.." -PercentComplete $percentagecomplete -Status "$line out of $linecount"

Get-ADObject -Properties * -Filter{DistinguishedName -like $row} | Select Name,Samaccountname,@{n="Member Category";e={$_.ObjectClass}} | Export-Csv ./$group.Membership.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append
