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Setting up Conditional Forwarders ?

 LAB Setup - I have two domain controllers as below -

DC2 holding Standard zone named "Testzone.com". It further have few Host A records such as VM1,VM2 and VM3.


Requirement is to setup a Standard Conditional forwarder for "Testzone.com" on DC4. This is to make sure who so ever is referring DC4 as it's Preferred or Alternate DNS should be able to resolve all the queries for Testzone.com.


1. We will navigate to DNS console on DC4 ( Can either login to DC4 and open DNS or directly connect from DC2 to DC4 DNS Console by going to DNS --> Right Click & Connect to DNS Server --> Type DC4 --> Ok

2. Right Click on Conditional Forwarders & Click New Conditional Forwarders.

3. We need to provide Zone name for which we are creating the conditional forwarder along with the Master DNS server IP which is holding that zone.

In this case, Zone is "Testzone.com" & Server holding that zone is "DC2".

Note - Since it's need to be a Standard Conditional forwarder hence, no need to check mark "Store this conditional forwarder in AD".

Testing name resolution from DC4, we will use below syntax -

Nslookup  query  DC4"


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